Day 7 – So far, so good

I've been procrastinating on writing this post, mainly because I was still organizing how I wanted to share this journey with everyone. I first found out about the 100 Day Project a couple of years ago and have been following so many creatives throughout their journeys. Last year, I attempted a 100 Day Project (100 [...]

Sharing skills…

As VSO is all about skill sharing, I thought I would take some time to share with you the skills I have learned since moving to Kenya almost nine months ago. To be honest the only thing I think about when I hear nine months is that it is almost the full gestation period of a human [...]

4.7 kms

In case you haven't read FB today, I jogged 4.7 kms this morning! GO ME! You may find yourself asking...Why? Well, I signed up for a 5k run. In traditional Erin methods, it's in two weeks and I just started training. How fun would life be without a little last minute rush? You can find [...]